frequently asked question
How do I return or exchange my order?

We want you to love every piece of paradise you receive. If something isn't quite right, you can return or exchange it! Just follow these easy steps:

  1. Contact Us: Send an email to with your order number and the item you'd like to return or exchange.
  2. Pack It Up: Gently place the item back in its original packaging (like you're tucking it back into its island hammock).
  3. Ship It Back: We'll provide you with a return label and instructions on how to send it back to us.

Once we receive your return, we'll process your refund or send out your exchange as quickly as a tropical breeze. If you have any questions, just reach out – we're here to help!

Do you ship internationally?

Yes, we do! We believe everyone deserves a piece of paradise, no matter where you are in the world. 

Simply enter your address at checkout, and we’ll handle the rest.


Please note that shipping times may vary depending on your location, but we'll always do our best to get your order to you as quickly as possible.

What is your return policy?

We want your experience to be as delightful as a sunny day on our favorite island! If you're not completely smitten with your purchase, you can return it within 7 days for a full refund or exchange.


Just make sure the item is unworn, unwashed, and in its original condition – like a freshly plucked island flower.

To start a return or exchange, simply email us at with your order number and the details of your request.

How do I return or exchange my order?

If your treasure isn't quite what you imagined, no worries! To return or exchange an item, simply email us at with your order number and details. We'll send you a return label pronto. Once your package is back with us in its original condition, we'll process your request faster than a wave crashing on the shore. For any questions, we're here to help make your experience as smooth as a sunset sail.

Can I reserve an item to buy later?

While we can't hold items in your cart, you can add them and proceed to checkout when you're ready. Just keep in mind that our island treasures are popular and might sail away quickly. If an item you love sells out, don't worry – there's always another island gem waiting for you. Happy shopping!

How much will I be charged for delivery?

The delivery cost is automatically calculated based on your location when you proceed to checkout. We want to make sure your island treasures arrive swiftly and safely to your doorstep, wherever you are in the world. If you have any questions about shipping fees or need assistance, just drop us a message – we're here to help you navigate smoothly through your shopping voyage!